Linux 常用命令总结

  1. Overview
  2. du: disk usage 查看磁盘使用空间
  3. nohup 后台挂起执行
  4. dpkg 安装包管理


总结 linux 下常用操作

du: disk usage 查看磁盘使用空间

du (disk usage) : 查看磁盘使用空间
du -sh filename/dirname

nohup 后台挂起执行

When you execute a Unix job in the background ( using &, bg command), and logout from the session, your process will get killed. You can avoid this using several methods — executing the job with nohup, or making it as batch job using at, batch or cron command. Nohup stands for no hang up, which can be executed as shown below. nohup syntax:

nohup command &

Nohup is very helpful when you have to execute a shell-script or command that take a long time to finish. In that case, you don’t want to be connected to the shell and waiting for the command to complete. Instead, execute it with nohup, exit the shell and continue with your other work.

ps -aux | grep charm

dpkg 安装包管理

package manager for Debian, 是一个包管理工具, 用于安装或者查询已经安装的包名

# 安装包包
dpkg -i xx.deb

# 查看包名, 有时候软件名称和安装包名不相同, 需要 grep 查一下 然后再 apt-get remove 卸载
dpkg -l  grep -i 软件包名

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